
This is my blog and I intend to update this regularly. I will log my progress in each one of my subjects and at the end of each week. I will try my best to keep this up to date.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

This week we got back from half term and already have started a new assignment in communication and employability where we have to look at and evaluate the barrio to effective communication. I have also handed in a assignment for spread sheets where we had to explain how spread sheets are used by companies to evaluate and manage data.  I finished all the criteria’s for this assignment.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

This week we finalised all remaining work for information and computers systems and have started talking about the first assignments in spreadsheets and installing and upgrading software. These two units have distinction criteria along side p1 so I will need to try very hard in class t make sure I achieve P1 and D1. Spread sheets is a very practical unit and involves a lot of work with excel which I think I will enjoy. I have worked with excel before and I found it quite tricky but I am willing to give it another go. I may not excel at spreadsheets but ill give it a go.